Entering the world… of blogging

I never thought I’d start a blog, but here I am.  Quite frankly, I was feeling a bit behind the times.  I’ll begin by saying I don’t expect anyone to actually read this.  I certainly don’t keep up with my friends’ blogs and can’t imagine that someone wants to sit down and peruse mine.  However, I have found it quite handy on occasion to pop over to someone’s blog and be instantly updated on their most recent days, months, or in some cases, decades.  Want to know where someone is and what they’re up to?  They probably have a blog, and presto!  You’re caught up.  Blogs serve their purpose, I suppose.  The purpose of mine will primarily be for my own amusement, with a secondary benefit being the creation of a one-stop, Green family synopsis.  So, welcome to my blog!  I can’t make any guarantees about what you’ll find here, but you’re welcome all the same.


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3 responses to “Entering the world… of blogging

  1. You caved, lol. I am actually very surprised. 😉 I look forward to visiting and will love hearing tidbits on the kids that I miss in the day to day!

  2. Natalie…I am so glad you decided to start blogging. I look forward to reading about you and the family. Your kids are cute.
    (P.S. I am one of Matthew’s cousins)

  3. This is so much fun! You have a sweet, sweet family! It will be a privilege to check in on the Green Family!
    (aka Julie’s sister)

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